Categorie: electronics

DIY Lasertag

As my kids grow up, my interest in electronics and embedded development gives me an excuse to delve into the intrinsics of do-it-yourself lasertag. Although not that complicated in its essence, it provides several challenges on both hardware and software matters that give me ample opportunity to learn. The MilesTag system is generally considered the…
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2017-10-22 0

Digispark on Ubuntu: fails to upload

I have been tinkering with the Digispark MCU by Digistump. It features an ATTiny85 MCU with 8k flash memory at about 16Mhz and can be programmed using the Arduino IDE, which works on Ubuntu as well. Of course,’works on Ubuntu’ regularly comes with a disclaimer that you need to take some additional measures to get…
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2017-10-22 0